Brutalomania / Bastard Noise - Un Deconstructo Corto, Feo Y Violento / Desperate Actions Against The Violence Upon And Systematic Murder Of Animals (7"EP)


皆大好きUSAノイズの雄BASTARD NOISEと、2018年春に来日を予定しているスペインのノイズユニットBRUTALOMANIAのスプリット。カラービニール!

Long time friends Manuel (BRUTALOMANIA) and Wood (BASTARD NOISE) unite to create a split of total intensity and ear slaying violence.
With a lasting reverence to avenging animal cruelty where ever it may exist, Bastard Noise offers up four unique, multi-layered and complex electronic pieces, each one complete with aggressive vocals, sickening textures and frequency expansion overload. Crystal clear production allowing the biggest sound is a lasting BN trademark and this EP is no exception.
Brutalomania (from the Canary Islands of Spain) features a single decimating track of thick, electric wall assault. Fury of complete disintegrating audio destruction. Complete, unbridled power! As extreme as it gets...
Pressed on random colored vinyl.

Skull Records (6) ?? SR-005X, R.O.N.F. Records ?? RNV-001
Format:Vinyl, 7", 45 RPM, EP
Country:USA & Spain


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