Nathan Moody ‎– de/Still(CD)

$54.00 $108.00

de/Stillは、写真のための楽譜です。作曲家/ミュージシャンのネイサン・ムーディは、写真家TJノリスから彼の「Urban Juxtapositions」シリーズを聴覚的に解釈するよう依頼されました。





de/Still is a musical score for photography. Composer/musician Nathan Moody was asked by photographer TJ Norris to aurally interpret his “Urban Juxtapositions” series.

The result is an eleven-movement audio work that boldly bridges the worlds of bricolage, musique concr?te, electronic music, and acoustic drone into a unified sound-world. Rather than literally interpret each photograph as a visual score, Moody categorized the textures at play and created timbral leitmotifs and instrument classifications to help convey the photographs’ patina of wear and cycles of decay and renewal. Synthesizers, fiddles, dulcimer, strings, piano, field recording, digital glitch, and damaged analogue tape swirl in a dreamlike m?lange of menace and solace. de/Still is undeniably urban, utterly timeless, and truly unique.

Mark Wiedenbaum (of provides an interpretive essay alongside Norris’ intriguing photographs for both the CD edition and a downloadable PDF. The compact disc edition is a massive continuous mix, which is also available as a downloadable bonus track.

Production Notes for de/Still:

Label:Flag Day Recordings ?? FDR46
Format:CD, Album
Released:01 Sep 2020


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