葬(Sou) - Obseques (C-60)

葬(Sou) - Obseques (C-60)


2009-2013の間活動したDeath industrial/Power electronics “NEGATIVE CLIMAX”。数本のカセット作品とライヴを行った後長い沈黙期間に入ったが2021に入りオリジナルメンバーが突如として再浮上。ソロユニットとして新たに冠された名が”葬”である。

Death industrial/Power electronics "NEGATIVE CLIMAX" was active between 2009 and 2013. After several cassettes and live performances, the band went into a long period of silence, but In 2021, the original members suddenly reappeared and took on a new name as a solo unit: "Funeral".
This work, which consists of three sections with eight tracks in the beginning of the Sou’s activitiy on one cassette, is composed of tape loops of fragmented classical piano melodies and desperate moans throughout, and is devoid of any other superfluous information. The warmth of a corpse, a decaying spiral staircase from which one cannot escape, a faded vision through a lifeless soul, will disempower those who live in a different vision and attract those who live in the same vision.
Dubbed from the mono master tape to the normal tape by the vintage duplicator, corrupted in natural deterioration, this work reaches for the first time the "sound that Sou was aiming for", and together with the laser-printed toner-focused binding, it is a work to be picked up in physical form. This is the first time the album has been released of Sou.

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